YoRIC online community About us

The YoRIC online community uses the Slack platform. (Slack is an online forum platform)

In our online community you can:

  • ask questions of other members, and answer those from others;
  • provide a brief summary of yourself and contact details for other members to see;
  • make suggestions for events you'd like to see, or volunteer to host or talk at an event;
  • access presentations from previous events and other knowledgebase items;

If you are not familiar with Slack - it is very simple to use.  Simply follow the link below to sign-up, and then select the appropriate channel (aka topic) from the left hand menu:

#challenges - use this channel to discuss any business challenges that you're seeking help from other members, or funding competitions;
#events - for all discussion about YoRIC events: what would you like to cover; can you host an event; are you interested in talking?
#general - for anything that doesn't fit elsewhere
#knowledgebase - where we post presentations from previous events and other reference material
#member-directory - say a few words about yourself; provide contact details; tell others when/why they should contact you.

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